Services Interior | Professional Services GSA Schedule

Professional Services GSA Schedule

GSA recently consolidated a total of eight solicitations under one government contract vehicle, the Professional Services Schedule (PSS).

Winvale provides specialized PSS contract support to assist our clients who currently have a GSA Schedule affected by the migration, or vendors that want to obtain a GSA PSS Schedule, succeed in the government marketplace.

Our GSA services focus on contract modifications, pricing competitiveness and accuracy, as well as keeping our clients informed on all provisions and congressional legislation that can directly impact their GSA Schedule.

Winvale, The PSS Contract Experts:

GSA Schedules Affected by Migration:

  • Advertising and Marketing Solutions (AIMS-541)
  • Mission Oriented Business Objectives (MOBIS-874)
  • Environmental Solutions (899)
  • Financial and Business Solutions (FABS-520)
  • Language Services (738 II)
  • Logistics Worldwide (LOGWORLD-874 V)
  • Professional Engineering Services (PES-871)
  • Consolidated Schedule (00Corp)


Available PSS Support Services:

  • Full contract review and assessment
  • Capabilities audit
  • Compliance training and support
  • Contract acquisition
  • Contract modifications
  • Addition of SINs
  • Commercial Sales Practices reporting support
  • Expiring or cancelled contracts

Learn More About Winvale’s GSA Professional Services

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