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Our Pricing

After researching different GSA Schedule consultants, you may find yourself more confused about pricing than when you started. One of the most common questions a prospective client ask us is: Why is there such a wide range in pricing and what makes you different?

The cost of GSA Schedule consulting is not a one-size fits all model. It’s highly dependent on what kind of support you need and what level of service a firm offers. Let’s discuss Winvale’s pricing and what you can expect to see from our consultants.

How Much Does GSA Schedule Acquisition Support Cost?

Getting a GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) is no small feat. There are many ways contract and consulting firms provide support. Some bill by the hour, others subcontract their support while providing templates and have you plug-in your information, while some firms will have a working partnership and guide you through the steps.

Winvale’s GSA Schedule acquisition fee typically starts at $21,000 and can increase based on the engagement scope. You may wonder, why does this price differ from other firms you have researched?

The Winvale pricing philosophy focuses on delivering the results to which we commit regardless of the resource implications. We prefer to price projects on a fixed fee (i.e., Firm Fixed Price) basis, as determined by the requirements of each client engagement. Unlike many traditional consultancies, we do not believe that the best value is created for our clients by billing on “time and materials” or similar hourly basis. Instead, given the difficult and integrative nature of the GSA Schedule Acquisition submission, we encourage our professionals to spend as much time as needed to deliver superior and innovative solutions.

Therefore, we assume the financial risk that we will finish the engagement on budget, and you will get your GSA MAS contract award. Unlike many firms, we give the full price upfront, there are no secret add-ons down the road, and we only bill when a milestone is met.

As part of our commitment to supporting veterans in the community, we also offer discounts for all veteran owned businesses.

How Much Does GSA Schedule Maintenance Support Cost?

Maintenance is an important part of the overall success of your GSA Schedule contract. Since it’s a 20 year term contract, there will be updates needed to your awarded pricelist, contract questions that need answered, and required reporting you need to complete on-time.

Winvale’s GSA Schedule Maintenance fees can vary on engagement type. It first depends on whether you want an annual relationship or hourly support, and which tasks that you need our help.

Winvale annual support (FFP) is billed monthly and is the most popular choice for our clients. Our fee typically starts at $1,500 per month and can increase based on the engagement scope. This agreement type is best for clients who want an on-going and proactive relationship, where Winvale is managing your contract and the relationship with the GSA Contracting Officer.  Our team also provides unlimited phone and email support to help answer questions.

Winvale’s hourly support (T&M) is billed monthly, and our hourly rate is $325. This agreement is best for contractors who want help with a specific task for a specific period of time. Examples of our GSA MAS support include:

  • Modifications to your GSA Schedule contract
  • SIP and FCP Uploads to GSA
  • Mass Modifications and Solicitation Refreshes
  • Quarterly Sales Reporting / IFF and Transactional Data Reporting
  • Commercial Sales Practices & the Price Reduction Clause
  • Small Business Subcontracting Plan and eSRS Reporting
  • Assistance with TAA and BAA Compliance
  • Registrations and Renewals
  • IOA and OIG Audits

Do You Need Help with Your GSA Schedule?

As mentioned above, the price range can really vary for GSA Schedule consulting, but a relationship with Winvale is an investment for the growth and success of your government sales.

Interested in learning more about our pricing? Schedule a call with us below.

Learn More About Winvale’s Pricing

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